Bauerfeind GenuTrain P3護膝是運動員的理想選擇,因為運動員於扭傷或直接撞擊後,令到膝蓋容易遭受疼痛,特別是髕骨(Patellar)位置。它可以穩固膝蓋骨的位置並剌激膝蓋部位的肌肉組織,加快痊癒過程。
– 內置特殊造型軟膠墊圈及控制條,加強穩固膝關節活動
– 兩側軟條特殊Y形設計更具支撐功效
– 大腿外側三角軟墊增加壓力點
– 矯正綁帶更有效矯正膝蓋骨的位置
– 在運動中安全地保護髕骨, 防止髕骨移動
– 矯正髕骨的位置, 更快地減少腫脹並激活肌肉組織
膝關節骨性關節炎(勞損, 退化). 髕骨股骨疼痛症候群(MPFL) 手術後, 需要提供穩定性. 髕骨移位、髕骨腱炎、膝部輕中度不穩定、膝蓋前側疼痛
[Bauerfeind GenuTrain P3 – Guidance for the kneecap]
Pain in the anterior knee area can be caused by particular knee conditions, such as a high-riding kneecap or lateral dislocation of the kneecap, or by excessive strain. To alleviate pain and accelerate recovery, it can be helpful to stabilize your knee joint.
GenuTrain P3 features a specially shaped functional cushion. Together with the guidance provided by the corrective strap, it offers relief for the kneecap and keeps it in its correct path of movement. A wedge at the side relaxes the ligaments that cause tension on the kneecap. Thanks to its anatomical shape, the GenuTrain P3 fits comfortably and stays securely in position.
[Keep on the move]
GenuTrain P3 activates your leg muscles and improves their coordination, by exerting intermittent compression during movement to improve the perception of movement. The support stimulates the metabolism and the reduction of swelling and helps to relieve pain.
This allows your knee to recover during movement, accelerating muscle development. GenuTrain P3 thus counteracts disorders of the kneecap or irritation of the knee joint. It enables you to start physiotherapy and cautious training at an early stage.
Patellofemoral pain syndrome (chondropathy, chondromalcia)
Lateralization of the patella (dislocation tendency)
After lateral release surgery
Patellar tendonitis
Anterior knee pain
[Terms and Conditions]
- Color: Black/ Natural is available at 35% surcharge, lead time will be 1-2 weeks depends on the availability
- Custom made items lead time is around 2 weeks
- This product only ship to Hong Kong
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