Bauerfeind GenuTrain S Knee Brace

HK$ 1,638.00

  • USD: US$210.56

Bauerfeind GenuTrain S運用關節兩側支撐條和可調整綁帶設計的配合。為膝關節提供可靠的支撐及額外的穩定性,使膝蓋保持在合適位置。 內側副韌帶扭傷(MCL)、側副韌帶扭傷(LCL)受傷尤其適用。


Bauerfeind GenuTrain S 運用關節兩側支撐條和可調整綁帶設計的配合,為膝關節提供可靠的支撐及額外的穩定性,使膝蓋保持在合適位置。

– 大、小腿處均有魔術調帶,可幫助加壓及固定護具
– 兩側支撐板幫助矯正運動姿勢並保膝蓋
– 內置軟膠墊圈穩定關節活動

– 金屬側支架加強膝關節側邊的穩定性,從而提升膝部的活動度
– 啫喱軟膠可有效地按壓膝蓋周邊的軟組織並刺激循環
– 減輕發炎及腫脹所引致的痛楚, 加速復原。
– 膝蓋中度不穩定、膝部關節炎(痛風性關節炎、骨性關節炎、類風濕性關節炎)、內側副韌帶扭傷(MCL)/ 側副韌帶扭傷(LCL)受傷


For mild to moderate instability of the knee, Bauderfeind GenuTrain S is the perfect aid. Lateral joint splints guide your knee in its correct axis of movement. At the same time, the elastic Train knit fabric exerts an intermittent compression massage during movement to promote healing. This activates the leg muscles, helping your knee to quickly regain stability.

  • High level of lateral stability
  • Additional protection from the outside
  • Protection against painful movements

[Secure guidance with a gentle massage]
Chronic or acute injuries to the ligaments or joint abnormalities such as osteoarthritis can cause instability of the knee. GenuTrain S stabilizes the joint while activating the muscles for improved mobility. The kneecap is gently surrounded by a functional cushion made of silicone that holds it securely in position.

Lateral joint splints guide your knee and provide additional protection against undesired movements. Straps on the thigh and lower leg guarantee a firm and secure fit.

[More stability during movement and faster recovery]
With each movement, the soft Train knit fabric of GenuTrain S exerts medically effective compression and an intermittent compression massage. In doing so, it activates the stabilizing leg muscles and improves their coordination. At the same time, it promotes the metabolism. This helps to reduce swelling and, in turn, reduces pain: your knee can also recover during movement and muscle development is stimulated.

Lateral stays with hinges are the core functional element of the support. They offer passive stabilization as well as active muscular stabilization of the joint thanks to the knitted fabric. This makes it different from conventional knee supports or rigid elements.

– Slight instability
– Osteoarthritis of the knee
– Arthritis (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis)

[Terms and Conditions]
– Color: Black/ Natural is available at 35% surcharge, lead time will be 2 weeks depending on the availability
– This product only ship to Hong Kong


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