Bauerfeind EpiTrain Elbow Support

HK$ 845.00

  • USD: US$108.62

Bauerfeind EpiTrain 護肘適用症狀:網球肘 (上髁炎)、高爾夫球肘 (上髁炎)、手肘痛
Elbow support and supports deliver targeted relief for severe, persistent elbow pain, also called golfer’s elbow or tennis elbow. It gets to work right at the root of the problem: the tendons and muscles of the elbow and forearm.


Bauerfeind EpiTrain Elbow Support  lleviates pain in the elbow and improves its mobility. The effective knitted fabric and specially contoured pads provide relief and make it possible to start mobility training at an early stage. The comfortable support fits perfectly and features a particularly soft zone in the crook of the elbow. Swiftly regain pain-free mobility with EpiTrain.

  • Alleviates pain and relieves the irritated muscle-tendon junction
  • Improves elbow mobility
  • Allows inflammation and swelling to subside more quickly
  • Offers a perfect fit, breathable knitted fabric and a particularly soft bending zone

Epicondylopathies (e.g. tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow) Osteoarthritis/arthritis Postoperative and post traumatic irritation Tendomyopathy

** This product only ship to Hong Kong**

Bauerfeind  EpiTrain 護肘簡介及特點:
當手肘肌肉組織處於過度緊張、疼痛、腫脹或發炎,EpiTrain® 護肘都能給你舒緩放鬆。每當活動時,內置的穩定墊配以適度壓力,能夠有效按摩肌肉組織,減低痛楚、剌激週邊肌肉、減低肌肉震動,達到減輕腫脹並穩定關節的效果。
網球肘 (上髁炎)、高爾夫球肘 (上髁炎)、手肘痛、腫脹、筋腱炎、關節炎。

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