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Bauerfeind ValguLoc

HK$ 242.00

  • USD: US$31.11

愛美的女仕因愛穿尖頭高跟鞋、遺傳、扁平足或高足等原因引致拇趾外翻。Bauerfeind ValguLoc可以幫你矯正拇趾外翻問題。


愛美的女仕因愛穿尖頭高跟鞋、遺傳、扁平足或高足等原因引致拇趾外翻。Bauerfeind ValguLoc可以幫你矯正拇趾外翻問題。



– 可調整腳趾角度矯正復位

– 質量輕, 日夜及活動時皆可使用

– 內側軟墊舒適貼服, 可長時間穿著

– 需在不穿鞋的情況下穿戴



– 糾正並保護腳趾

– 符合人體腳趾部位結構的設計可以固定住大拇趾

– 於腳趾關節處給予輕微按壓,以拉伸大腳趾關節囊和軟組織





– 顏色:黑色/自然色,需支付 35% 的附加費,交貨時間為 1-2 週,視供應情況而定

-定制產品的交貨時間約為 2 週

– 此產品只運送到香港


Bauerfeind ValguLoc corrects the misalignment of your big toe and counteracts further shortening of the capsular ligament structure. The orthosis immobilizes your big toe in a cushioned shell that is pulled outwards with a Velcro strap. You can adjust the corrective force individually based on your needs and sensation of pain. ValguLoc relieves pain and prevents joint wear and other consequential damage.

  • Alleviates twinging toe pain
  • Counteracts further misalignments
  • Softly cushioned night-time postural splint


[Where the shoe pinches]

Hallux valgus is the medical term for extremely painful deviations of the big toe that are coupled with painful bunions on the MTP joint. This causes the big toe to be slanted or even lie over the other toes. Chronic joint inflammation is also not uncommon. This is seen particularly often among women who have worn high heels for many years.

As a result, they are unable to wear their favorite shoes anymore. They are deterred not only by the pain but also by the unsightly bunions. Often surgery is the only remedy. Before it comes to that, ValguLoc corrects your big toe at night and counteracts further shortening of the capsular ligament structure.


[Free of pain again fast]

The orthosis immobilizes your big toe in a softly cushioned shell that is pulled in a corrective direction with a Velcro strap. You can adjust the corrective force individually and continuously based on your needs and sensation of pain. ValguLoc relieves pain and counteracts consequential damages such as joint wear or misalignment of other toes.

ValguLoc is easy to put on and take off. Especially after surgery, an orthosis is recommended to prevent scarring of the tissue and to ensure successful correction. This will help you walk without pain again and wear your favorite shoes.


[Terms and Conditions:]

  • This product only ship to Hong Kong

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