
Parzt Heavy Duty Rayon Rigid Tape – 3.8cm x13.7m

Original price was: HK$ 70.00.Current price is: HK$ 60.00.

  • USD: US$7.71

Parzt Heavy  Rayon Rigid Tape – High performing rigid tape offering superior strength and adhesion when joints require greater support and stability Serrated edges for easy


SKU: 872 Category:


Parzt Heavy Duty Rayon Rigid Tape – 3.8cm x13.7m

Rigid Strapping tape is the primary tool to use when strapping to support joints. The fabric is of a rigid construction with no elasticity. The fabric itself comes in cotton and synthetic rayon while cotton is more breathable. Usually, white color rigid tape is cotton and the brown color one is rayon material.

It comes in various width 50mm, 38mm, 25mm and 12.5mm depending on what part of the body is being strapped. By far the most popular tape is the 38mm rigid. The adhesive used in these tapes can be quite aggressive, so ensuring that players/patients do not have an allergy to the tape is important. If someone is allergic to fabric bandaids, there is a fair chance they will be allergic to the rigid tapes and an undertape will be required.

– High performing rigid tape offers superior strength and adhesion when joints require greater support and stability
– Serrated edges for easy tearing when applying
– 100% Rayon fabric makes it stronger than standard cotton zinc oxide tape and water and sweat repellent

Ideal Uses:
– Preventing common joint injuries
– Supporting ligaments to supporting surrounding muscles
– limit or fully immobilize joint following injury

Size (W x L): 3.8cm x 13.7m
Available in: Single Rolls, Pack of 6

硬式支撐貼布是捆紮支撐關節時使用的主要工具。 織物是硬性結構,沒有彈性。 面料本身採用棉和合成人造絲,而棉更透氣。 通常,白色硬式支撐貼布是棉質的,棕色的一種是人造絲材料。

它有各種寬度 50 毫米、38 毫米、25 毫米和 12.5 毫米,具體取決於綁在身體的哪個部位。 到目前為止,最受歡迎的膠帶是 38mm 硬式支撐貼布。 這些膠帶中使用的粘合劑可能具有很強的腐蝕性,因此確保患者不會對膠帶過敏很重要。 如果有人對織物創可貼過敏,他們很有可能會對硬式支撐貼布過敏,因此需要使用底部貼布。

– 當需要更大的支撐和穩定性時,人造絲硬式支撐貼布可提供出色的強度和附著力
– 100% 人造絲質地比其他質地更防水防汗更堅固

– 預防常見的關節損傷
– 支撐韌帶以支撐周圍肌肉
– 受傷後完全固定關節

Additional information

Dimensions 3.8 × 1370 cm



1 Roll


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